Sunday, September 26, 2010

Just a lazy, lazy Sunday

Sleep in, because the weather was very, very, cool.  A nice breeze and open windows...

I then exercised on the bike, sat in the sauna and SSS'd... A bit of a nap and then final yard work for the fall-scaring a bunny half to death, and some household maintenance. Got a bit of a trim this afternoon and then did lessons for all three classes.  A quiz-50 points, I got less than than, and I thought they gave me 25 minutes to do the 50 questions but I finished in less than 9.  Then when I turned it in to be graded I find I had an hour and 45 minutes to do the quiz.

Most of the questions that I missed I did from ignorance, but a couple were from outdated materials.  I haven't bought the book yet so many of the questions are just based on my own knowledge.  Guess I don't know much about liver functions and villi and mulivilli in the small intestine either....I missed most of my questions in these two areas.  

Two other questions I missed had to do with exercise/stretching and the current thinking is to warm up, then stretch and then exercise, then stretch and cool down....they don't have this knowledge yet...
The other thinking was from the early 2000's or earlier.  Whether the Surgeon General of the US think cigarettes are the most hazardous item in US health concerns.  Now a days it is Obesity/overweight and the medical/health concerns this brings up.  Seems 2/3ds of our country is overweight-and I am among them.  I feel very heavy-even though I have been exercising and moving around in good time-I am still not strong enough to carry the weight I am now at....

Better dietary habits are helping, changing some of the fat tissue into air and putting in some muscles.   Not enough yet but working towards a goal...

BTW, has anyone seem the dramatic change in Drew Carey? He has lost about 80 lbs and looks so very healthy.  He is going to lose a bit more by the end of October and now is enjoying the benefits of good health, rather than suffer the costs of ill health.   This is a bit of a steal from Zig Ziglar.  A motivational speaker of the highest order-Thanks Zig for all you have done in this area and in me in particular.

That might be all for tonite-hope to see you all in the future...

be well; peace...

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