Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's is springtime in the garden of Jane!

Gardening, gardening everywhere...

The temperature outside seems to resemble the stock market these days. Spring brings us days of warm highs, and cold lows. Investing in gardening is about as risky as investing in Wall Street—one never knows which way the wind will blow.

OK... enough philosophizing...after buying all those heirloom seeds and starting them indoors in egg carton containers, we started talking about where are we going to plant all those babies... In years past, I would have crowded them in without giving enough regard to the 'requirements' listed on the package. However, this year, with some guidance and common sense, it was decided to really give these plants an opportunity to grow as nature intended for them. Having help to maintain them throughout the growing seasons makes it all so much more feasible than in years past. Discussion ensued about how much room would be needed, and therefore, expansion of the garden beds is a must. We decided to extend the two existing beds and add in a third bed between the two existing ones. Also, it seems like we need a bed dedicated to herbs since some of them are perennial and grow to large sizes. With a plan in mind and a warm day at hand, tools and equipment were gathered to complete the expansion project.

Before: Trenches were dug to mark the extension points of the existing beds and to mark off the new beds.

Here you can see the two existing beds. Notice where the new beds will be...

With a new carport installed, it was thought that it could provide a bit of wind protection and make for a nice place to plant some heirloom tomatoes. Additionally, we could add a shade cloth for those very hot, sunny days. Thus, with rototiller in hand, a new bed was cut in next to the carport allowing a couple of feet to the right as a walkway to access the future tomato plants.

Once that rototiller got going there was just no stopping it! Here you can see the two existing beds—extended—and the new third bed in the middle cut in. Back behind the three beds, look at the curvy bed in the background. What could that be for? Hold on... I'll tell you in a minute.

OK... here it is close up... it's going to be the herb garden...! I have to tell you that having my yard worked up like this really makes me feel like a farmer this year—more than ever before... I've long thought that having those perfectly manicured development lawns that just suck water and don't produce anything were really not the best use of space and ground and natural nutrients. Transforming a yard into a garden brings with it thoughts of abundance of the universe and is a great way to start to build community. Neighbors drive by and look and wave. Some, stop by and chat. When it's harvest time, we'll have plenty to give away and even some to sell, so it's also an income stream. The abundance of the universe is a truth worth tapping into.

All we needed now was a nice warm day to inspire us to go to the Big Box store to get a few supplies...
Voila! There it is...! Warm day in hand... and who could pass up some BIG heirloom tomatoes and a few inexpensive plants: red cabbage and cauliflower. Don't they look lovely?!

It was decided to put the red cabbage and the cauliflower next to and outside of the hoop house. Using a small hand trowel, holes were dug and the plants were inserted into their slots. We gave each one a good dose of 7.0 pH water and a bit of 5.5 pH water to get started—followed with some regular water from the hose.

In went the two heirloom tomato plants...

We also stopped by the local nursery and purchased some potatoes and some Vidalia Onion shoots along with a package of red-leafed lettuce. We decided to plant the onions and the lettuce here. Rather than spacing the onions 6 inches apart, we figured that if they were planted 3 inches apart, then every other one could be pulled at a smaller size to eat during the growing season. This would allow enough room for full development of the remaining onions.

The lettuce is planted under the the way...

Indoors... there are seedlings growing away in the egg-shelled cartons. Here's the broccoli seedlings and the eggplant sprouts... my son says I have a laboratory going in there...
And the tomato seedlings and green peppers look terrific too. I had always shied away from starting tomatoes from seed in the past because those seedlings looked so spindly that i just didn't know how they'd get to be like the big strong plants one sees in the nursery stores... this year I get to witness this amazing transformation. Now the tomato plants have their secondary leaves. After turning them around the other day, they seem to have grown stronger and more sturdy just in their effort to reach the sunlight. I'm delighted with this process. Plus since everything has energy, I speak lovingly to the plants so they are encouraged to be the best and strongest plants they can. I know that that may be over the top for some of you, but the more I study the nature and energy of the universe and how we are all connected and affect everything around us, I'm learning the importance of everything we think, do, and say. I am striving for the best possible outcome for these heirloom seeds turned plants, so why wouldn't I want to speak in a loving, supportive, nuturing way to them? How could that be bad for them? So... grow my little seedlings... go forth and multiply... 

peace and love and bon appetit!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ways to store more stuff-in closets and beyond

March 17, 2011 by dan rapson  (Edit)
Filed under Featured, Green Living Tips
One of the great things we have here in the US is lots and lots of room in our homes. Maybe a bit short of space in some of the larger cities but then these individuals really can use the help in organizing small spaces-pantries, closets, even entire rooms and halls. Well, look here!

I don’t get anything for promoting Rubbermaid products here.  I do have an interest in the following and hope you would take a look at it:
The book and bonuses are for organizing more than your closet, but they do also cover that area.  Rubbermaid Products for Closet Organizing

I worked in Raleigh, NC building closet organizers and then installing them. I did a bit of sales and design work and was fascinated at how much you can get into a well organized closet.  Many of the homes we worked in were new. The builders just try to make the house sell for a number and don’t really care what the efficiencies are.  Most of you realize this if you have purchased anything built in the last 40 years.

We then moved into custom designed and built desks and home offices.  This was a lot of fun as the designs were new and the conversion of a home office into an efficient home office is a real passion of mine.
One of the really fun places I worked was in North Raleigh on a wealthy salesman’s house.  He had 3 main houses on the property; an older southern farmhouse(thoroughly remodeled), a log cabin(about 4,500 sq ft), and then a large white French Chateau.  This one also incorporated a 10 car garage(it was full).  We started with doing the closets, then turning extra rooms into closets, then pantries, then turned a second living room into an office for the salesman.  We surrounded the walls in 4′wide, 2′ deep by 7′high sections.  I believe it contained mor than 10 such units. A similar size one for shoes, and a couple of this size full of drawers on the bottom half.  Then I added a desk, a bank of file drawers and finally a massage table with a section of drawers underneath.
I spent quite a while there and had a wonderful time. They were the nicest people and appreciated all the work.
When I was finished with the office he came in late on the final Friday and looked around and said it was his first real office.  He said, “well, if I did this well without an office, think what I will do now that I have one!”  He was probably worth $50 Million or more!

Rubbermaid is a household name, known for supplying us with reliable products for a variety of uses in our home. They are also known for being well priced and long lasting. If you are in the market for products to organize your closet, it only makes sense to purchase from a brand name you trust and respect.

One of the top selling closet organizing products right now is the Rubbermaid closet in a box. This is a unique feature that allows you to customize your closet to your individual storage space and needs. Most closet organizing kits give you specific items, but not this one. Instead you decide what pieces you want and the sizes, then Rubbermaid customizes a kit specifically built for you. Sounds great right?

If you are worried about making those decisions, don’t be. Rubbermaid offers outstanding customer service representatives to assist you every step of the way. You can also give them the basic information and allow them to come up with some layout and designs for your closet. You will then be able to visually see the transformation and how it will work for you. If you don’t like the results, then you are not under any obligation to purchase anything from Rubbermaid. That is quite an offer!

One of the reasons Rubbermaid products are so well accepted by the consumer is that they are expandable including the clothing rods, rails, and the shelves. This makes installation much easier as you simply extend the product to your desired length. This process makes installing several different products much simpler because you have some room to make adjustments. This really minimized the measuring process as well as eliminates the need for cutting.

One thing I would like to mention is that many of the rooms we have in our homes can have multiple uses.  I put many a ‘murphy’ type bed into home offices and even in other rooms that were not typical guest room types. These beds are enclosed in a cabinet or even in a closet and then pulled down when needed for more bedtime space. They are very efficient and I hope many of you will consider using them in your homes as you find the need for more room.  This will also keep our neighborhoods intact and keep many from moving away from their current neighbors.

One of the best features about these types of closet organization products is that you can rearrange them at any time without too much effort. Over time, the contents in our closet change right? It just makes sense that having a closet organization system that can change with us is quite the investment. You aren’t locked into having your closet organized the same way forever. Even the shelves can have their height adjusted because of the Fast Track design. You can space them out or bring them closer together, even add more shelves if you like.

It is very important for your custom closet organization products to stand up to the test of time. You don’t have to worry about that with items from Rubbermaid. Each piece of material comes with a life time warranty. You can obtain a free copy of their warranty information to review by calling them or visiting their website.

To see all of the custom closet organization products Rubbermaid has to offer, check out your local home improvement stores. Most of them carry this brand. You can also check out the internet including They also have a product catalog that you can view online and even request for one to be mailed to you.

Still not convinced? You will find pages and pages of consumer reviews regarding Rubbermaid closet organizing products. You won’t be disappointed with the information you find either! The price of Rubbermaid closet organization systems and products is very inexpensive compared to other brands on the market. Combined with their flexibility, easy installation, and warranty, you won’t be disappointed with the results of their products to customize and organize your closet.
Here is a final link to the organizing book and bonuses. I hope you’ll click on this and check it out:

Be well; peace…